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A book, a poem, and more about why I like grants

SIA Team

The grant reports from the latest cohort of SIA Community Grants and Small Business Fund groups are set to come in later this week! Until I have those stories (of a women’s loan group in Ghana, a technical school in Kenya, and a motorcycle in Malawi) to share with you, I hope you’ll enjoy these SIA-related tidbits to brighten your week:

More about grants vs loans 

Following up on my presentation about grants vs loans last week and a conversation I had with some friends earlier this fall, I wrote down five points to consider when thinking about micro-grants and micro-loans.

Those five points are featured today in a guest blog post “Combating Poverty with Micro-Financing: Small Business Loans vs. Grants” on the Spoonfuls of Spice blog. Spoonfuls of Spice is an online spice store, which donates 5% of its profits to support programs that empower women world-wide.

Children’s Stories of Africa

Bright, colorful photos. Heartwarming lessons. Stories about Africa. Yes! I think I know what my nieces are getting for Christmas…

Last week The New York Times chose some of their favorite children’s books about Africa:

Speaking of gifts…did you see the new SIA gift cards? Now when you donate to SIA in honor of a friend or family member you can print out a card to let them know of the gift and to share a taste of SIA with them. (For more details, click here.)

Stressed? Just read this poem.

In the midst of the whirling day, In the hectic rush to be doing, In the frantic pace of life, Pause here for a moment.

Catch your breath; Relax your body; Loosen your grip on life.

Consider that our lives are always unfinished business; Imagine that the picture of our being is never complete; Allow your life to be a work in progress.

By Richard S. Gilbert, Life Is Always Unfinished Business

Dancing to music from Senegal

All the songs on the the “The African Music Playlist” from Firelight Foundation’s blog were making me happy today! Listen, watch, and dance along to this one that I particularly liked:

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