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Christmas Inspiration from Del: Beloved Child of God

SIA Team

Merry Christmas to all SIA friends, partners, and supporters all around the world! May this be a time of rediscovering hope and joy, and recommitting to peace and justice. I share this writing from Del Anderson to remind you of that power that is within each of you.


“The Kingdom of God is within you.” This is the Good News Jesus Christ brought us. This is what we must affirm and claim for ourselves ~ over and over again. Otherwise, Jesus came in vain for us.

Jesus is the great overcomer, All-Power, the King of Kings. There is no other power that can withstand Jesus’s Light and Love. He says, “Love your enemies.” We cannot do this in our own strength, but if we ask Jesus’s help and release the condition and persons to Him, He will be glorified, and peace and fulfillment will come into our lives.

January stands in front of the house he build with profits from his family's grocery shop, started with a SIA grant. (Manyamula Village, Malawi)

January stands in front of the house he build with profits from his family’s grocery shop, started with a SIA grant. (Manyamula Village, Malawi)

Remember, “He came, that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” He, Jesus Christ, is within you! Listen, listen to Him, ask His help and obey Him and you will see victory begin to come into your life in peace and abundance. “Only believe and you shall see the glory of God” manifested in your life.

As you read, study, ponder and apply the teachings of Jesus in your daily life, God will bless you beyond your fondest dreams.

In His love, Del

Pictured above: Ruth and her mother Catherine. Catherine used the SIA grant money to buy a pig in 2006. Now she has over 10 pigs. (Kasozi Village, Uganda)

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