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Photo update! The work of SIA is happening every day

SIA Team

One of the interesting parts about working internationally is that, because we do not see it right in front of us, it can be easy to forget that the work of Spirit in Action grant partner organizations is happening every single day. In each moment, somewhere in the wide network of the SIA family, people are hosting workshops, providing emotional support to those who are suffering, distributing food to those who are hungry, and working their farms to build food security.

Here is some of the recent work of SIA Grant Partners:

Food security found in kitchen gardens

The Visionary Women's Centre in western Kenya held a workshop last month to demonstrate how to make a sack garden. Sacks are created out of nets and filled with dirt so that the seedlings can grow out of the top and sides of the sack. This reduces the amount of water needed. Leafy greens like kale and collards are central to the Kenyan diet.

Emergency food distribution

Ugandans are experiencing a third wave of COVID and they are in a restrictive lockdown again. This means that people are having a hard time earning money to buy their basic daily needs. CAP-AIDS in northern Uganda is using a SIA Emergency Grant to distribute food staples to families who are vulnerable to hunger, especially those with HIV+ family members.

Supporting Entrepreneurs in Nairobi

Each evening, Lilian Wanjira, makes her rounds to visit the business-women who are part of Ubuntu Community Organization near Nairobi, Kenya. Ubuntu provides low-interest micro-loans to women who run small businesses to support their families. Many of the women are bravely taking control of their lves and Lilian shares words of encouragement with them as she visits. In the micro-loan program, the women are also saving for future expenses. Here Lilian (right) is pictured with Jane Wanjiku in Jane's tomato stall.

In May, I hosted a workshop for SIA Partners about taking photographs. We covered basic concepts of photography composition and lighting. Afterwards, Lilian took this beautiful photo of Jane Njeri in her doughnut shop!

These are just a few glimpses of SIA in action. But the SIA network is active every day, making the world a better place!



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