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Top 5 Moments of 2018

SIA Team

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

2018 was a fantastic year for SIA globally! We partnered with 10 grassroots community organizations, further developed our Small Business Fund program in Kenya, shared our message at churches in the US, and brought in many new supporters.

Before the year ends I wanted to countdown the best moments of the year with you!

Count them down…

5. We received monthly donations from 23 donors (+ many more annual donations), expanding the sustainability of our work. Thank you!

4 of the 12 full time employees at the refugee cafe in Rwanda.

4. We expanded our partnerships into Rwanda, supporting refugees to build new community after fleeing violence in Burundi. Their café provides both jobs for refugees and a place for them to gather and support one another. They also provide free meals to refugees who cannot afford to pay – another example of Sharing the Gift!

3. We supported human rights in Uganda with a grant for LBGTI awareness workshops through Universal Love Alliance. Faith leaders are pledging to preach messages of inclusion and love, rather than demonization of LGBTI people.

Gay and transgender people shared their experiences of facing violence and persecution.

2. We assisted Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative to receive a grant from another organization to buy a peanut oil processing machine. This cooperatively-owned machine has the potential to drastically improve the lives of farmers in this rural area of Malawi. (And I’ll get to see it when I visit next June!)

(1.5. This one is mostly exciting for me – I got a new database system which helps keep all your information organized. It is greatly increasing my administrative efficiency!)

I’m holding the phone, Skyping in Naomi from Uganda to our visioning discussion in California.

1. We walked our talk of inclusion and listening to partners by inviting Naomi from Uganda and Canaan from Malawi to join our SIA Board Retreat via Skype. Naomi joined in real time and Canaan sent his input in before our meeting. This direct interaction between Board and partners is something we will continue to foster in 2019.

Let’s do more in 2019!

Thank you for being part of our community, which has the opportunity to support amazing community leaders who are taking change into their own hands. Please consider donating to Spirit in Action now before the end of the year so we can continue this important work in 2019. Blessings for peace and joy in this season and I look forward to continuing this work together with you in 2019!

Visiting a bike repair business in Malawi, where Moses told me I was the first white person to come to his shop.

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